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鎢鋼:成品中約含鎢18%合金鋼, 鎢鋼歸于硬質合金,又稱之為鎢鈦合金。硬度為維氏10K,僅次于鉆石。正因如此,鎢鋼的商品(多見的有鎢鋼手表),具有不易被磨損的特性。常用于車床刀具、沖擊鉆鉆頭、玻璃刀刀頭、瓷磚割刀之上,堅固不怕退火,但質脆。Tungsten steel: The finished product contains about 18% tungsten alloy steel. Tungsten steel belongs to cemented carbide, also known as tungsten-titanium alloy. The hardness is 10K Vickers, second only to diamonds. Because of this, tungsten steel products (most commonly tungsten steel watches) are not easily worn out. Usually used on lathe cutters, impact drills, glass cutters, ceramic tile cutters, strong and not afraid of annealing, but brittle.

硬質合金: 歸于粉末冶金領域硬質合金又名金屬陶瓷是以金屬碳化物(WCTaC, TiCNbC)或許金屬氧化物(如Al2O3, ZrO2等)為首要成份,參加適量的金屬粉末(CoCr Mo Ni Fe等)通過粉末冶金方法制成,具有金屬某些特質的陶瓷。

鈷(Co)是用來在合金中起粘結效果的,就是在燒結的過程中,它能把碳化鎢(WC)粉末包圍并緊緊地粘結在一起,冷卻后,就成了硬質合金. (效果相當于混凝土中的水泥)。含量通常:3%--30% 碳化鎢(WC)是決議此硬質合金或金屬陶瓷某些金屬性質的首要成份,占總成份 70%---97%(分量比) 廣泛用于耐磨,耐高溫,耐腐蝕,工作環境惡劣的零件或刀具,工具的刀頭上。 鎢鋼歸于硬質合金,但硬質合金紛歧定是鎢鋼, 如今臺灣和東南亞國家的客戶喜歡用鎢鋼這個詞,假如跟他們仔細談深入,咱們會發現,大部分仍是指咱們的硬質合金。。。


簡略的說一切硬度走超越HRC65的東西只要是合金都可以叫硬質合金Cemented carbides: Cemented carbides (WC, TaC, TiC, NbC, etc.) or metal oxides (such as Al2O3, ZrO 2, etc.) are the main components of cemented carbides, which belong to the field of powder metallurgy. Ceramics with certain characteristics of metals are made by powder metallurgy with appropriate amount of metal powders (Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Fe, etc.). Porcelain. Cobalt (Co) is used for bonding in alloys. During sintering, it can surround and bond tungsten carbide (WC) powder tightly together. After cooling, it becomes cemented carbide. (The effect is equivalent to cement in concrete). Usually: 3%-30% tungsten carbide (WC) is the primary component to determine the properties of some metals of this cemented carbide or cermet, accounting for 70%-97% of the total composition. It is widely used in wear-resistant, high temperature-resistant, corrosion-resistant parts or tools, tool heads in harsh working environment. Tungsten steel belongs to cemented carbide, but the cemented carbide is different from tungsten steel. Now customers inTaiwanand Southeast Asian countries like to use the word tungsten steel. If we talk with them carefully, we will find that most of them still refer to our cemented carbide. Tungsten steel differs from cemented carbide in that tungsten steel, also known as high-speed steel or tool steel, is melted by steelmaking technology in which ferrotungsten is used as tungsten material in molten steel. Also known as high-speed steel or tool steel, its tungsten content is usually 15-25%. Cemented carbide is a powder metallurgy technology with tungsten carbide as the main body and cobalt or other bonded metals. When sintered together, the tungsten content is usually more than 80%. Briefly speaking, anything harder than HRC65 can be called cemented carbide as long as it is an alloy.





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